From: Accelerated Transfer Academy
Date: April 21, 2023
Subject: ATA Weekly Newsletter - April 21, 2023

Gator Success Center

End of Semester Celebration

The Gator Success Center would like to cordially invite you to join us in celebrating the success of the students we serve. We will be presenting special awards to some of our outstanding Greater Texas Foundation, Accelerated Transfer Academy, and Academic Recovery Program participants, Peer Mentors and we will also be honoring our Spring 2023 graduating seniors.

We look forward to seeing you at this joyous occasion.

Attire: Business Casual

RSVP Required


Application Deadline Extended!

The deadline for submitting applications for ATA scholarships has been extended to May 5th at 11:59 pm. We encourage you to work on your submissions now and take advantage of campus resources, like the Writing & Reading Center, for writing support before submitting to increase your changes of being selected. You may apply for more than one scholarship but you must submit a separate application for each.

Information and the link to apply can be found on our CampusGroups website

(Click image to RSVP)

(Click image to RSVP)

(Click image to RSVP)

Fuel Up 4 Finals

Come study for finals so you can pass! This is a tutor-supported study session to prepare students for finals. We'll have scantrons, blue books, pens & pencils. Also, pizza, snacks, drinks, games & prizes as well!

Thursday, April 27th
1pm - 4pm
S418 - ATA Lounge


Habits For Your Daily Routine

Balancing a full course load and other commitments can easily become overwhelming. Here are some tips for creating a routine that will keep you focused and help you reach your study goals.

Set a Time Limit: Break down your tasks into smaller, achievable goals and set a time to spend on each.

Take Notes: It helps you stay focused and remember important information. Writing down key points can also help you review material more effectively.

Limit Distractions: Avoid distractions such as social media or television to stay focused on the tasks you need to do.

Get Enough Sleep: This is essential for staying up and being productive during the day. Ideally, try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

Eat Healthy: Keeping a balanced, clean diet will help you stay energized and focused. Include fruits and vegetables as much as possible in your diet.

Exercise: It will help you clear your mind. Even five minutes of walking can do wonders and recharge your energy, so anything counts!

Take Breaks: Regular breaks throughout the day help you stay productive and manage your energy.

Stay Positive: Appreciating the time and effort you are putting in can help you enjoy your daily routines more.

Organize Your Place to Study: This is key for staying focused, especially if you want to study for a long period. Make sure your environment is free of distractions.

Set Reminders: Keep track of important dates and deadlines for each task you need to do during the day. You can use reminder apps or leave notes near you.

Accelerated Transfer Academy
One Main Street

Room S417
Houston, TX 77002


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