You may access a copy of the Powerpoint presentation of this month's program meeting by clicking the link below. If you missed attending the meeting, the recording will be made available soon on our CampusGroups "Videos" page.
Situational Awareness: What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do
The Center for Public Service and Community Research presents this workshop to learn what to do in an emergency situation where your life may be in danger. What could be more vital than to listen to the voice of an expert when it comes to the latest research on situational awareness with regard to an active shooter situation? This presentation is more than simply a rehash of “run, hide, fight.”
This session will include a simulation and a historical overview of active shooter events in the U.S.
Cultural Intelligence, or CQ, measures your capability to relate and work effectively in culturally diverse situations.
Individuals with a high CQ can bridge divides and knowledge gaps and make unique and meaningful connections. Join us in learning about how gaining cultural intelligence via studying abroad supports diversity and inclusion.
vitalvoices: Equitable Collaborations with Families & Communities in Schools
(Click image to register for event)
Community Engagement & Service Learning
Call For Proposals
The University of Houston-Downtown’s Center for Community Engagement & Service Learning (CCESL) invites proposals from faculty, staff, and students for poster presentations at the Community Engagement Virtual Showcase scheduled for March 22, 2023, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm.