About Us

We are the Dazzling Divas of Gamma Alpha Omega - Xi Chapter

Gamma Alpha Omega has created a lifelong sisterhood and a support network for more than 30 years. Through educational and leadership programs, Gamma Alpha Omega provides its members with personal, professional, and leadership development that will inspire them to reach beyond.

Gamma Alpha Omega Sorority distinguishes itself in the fraternity and sorority world by leading the way as the first Latina-based sorority to be founded at Arizona State University. Dedicated to advancing women in the world, our founders' vision has grown to serve more countless members nationwide.


Gamma Alpha Omega is a Latina-founded, multicultural organization that exists to increase the number of women with college educations and advanced degrees. Provide mentors for youth, women, and underrepresented communities, support individual leaders in each member, and provide lifelong support for sisters. Rooted in the pillars of Honesty, Integrity, Leadership, Scholarship and Unity


To be an innovative and international leader in the Greek Community, renowned for outstanding and diverse undergraduate chapters, prestigious and engaged Alumnae, developing strong leaders, and providing a lifelong sisterhood.









Symbols & Insignia

Colors: Forest Green, Navy Blue, and White

Mascot: White Bengal Tiger with Blue Eyes

Jewels: Green Emerald, Blue Sapphire, White Diamond

Flower: White Thornless Rose

Fruit: Classic Red Apple

Founding Date

January 25, 1993


Nos Una Crescemus = United we will grow


Honesty, Integrity, Leadership, Scholarship, and Unity

Events & Activities

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Exclusive Resources

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Meeting new students with shared interest

Fall 2024 Active House

Mariah Frausto Profile

Mariah Frausto

Ana Vicente Profile

Ana Vicente

Kaylie Lopez Profile

Kaylie Lopez

Prospective Active Educator
Estefany Flor Profile

Estefany Flor


E: xi@gammaalphaomega.com

Gamma Alpha Omega Sorority, Inc.

One Main Street
Houston TX 77002