Frequently Asked Questions

Am I eligible to use the Food Market?

If you are a registered UHD student - then yes!

However, you do have to register for the Food Market. This is a separate 2-step process that all students must complete prior to utilizing the market.

How do I register for the Food Market?

Great question! Take a look at our registration page here ( and you can find out how exactly to get yourself registered.

Why are you closed some days/times?

We close the market when we receive shipments from the Houston Food Bank so that we can work with our volunteers efficiently to unload everything and stock the shelves.

Because we sometimes do not know the exact contents of what arrives we cannot guarantee when we will reopen so our student staff will try to provide an estimated time.

How can I know when you will reopen on shipment days?

You can do a few things!

You can check our Instagram stories @uhdfoodmarket

You can joint the UHD Food Market GroupMe chat

You can sign up for our Remind 101 where we will send out a text notification

Join Here:

Why don't you have the same items every week?

The items we receive are all from the Houston Food Bank. We unfortunately have very limited control over what we receive from the Houston Food Bank, however, we do the absolute best that we can to make sure that we try and order not only a variety of items, but enough to keep stock for all students.

This is why we need volunteers! Volunteers the ones who allow us to order more food because they can help up restock quickly on our shipment days.

What do you do with food that students don't use?

We work closely with the Garden Club and the Composting Center on campus to give them all of our fruits and vegetables that go unused by students and to provide them with broken down cardboard as well that our volunteers help put together. The cardboard combined with the fruits and vegetables will help create compost for gardeners around Houston!

How do you make sure the food is not expired?

When we receive shipments we closely examine the food that comes into our market by utilizing a guide provided by the Houston Food Bank:

How do I volunteer?

We would love for you to volunteer and help us! You can sign up by visiting our volunteer events page here. Registration is on a first come first served basis and we limit volunteering to the events listed on this page.